Luck is in the eye of the beholder.
In many ways, for me at least, luck is interchangeable with gratitude. So in the spirit of gratitude I am going to list a few things I am grateful for at this specific moment. Here goes.
- I have all ten fingers to type this article.
- I have two working eyes that can see my computer screen.
- I have a very nice computer to work on.
- I have high-speed internet service to access the knowledge of the world.
- I have a comfortable chair.
- I have a comfortable office which is neither too hot nor too cold.
- I have an 8-year old car that starts on the first turn of the ignition.
- I had food to eat this morning.
- I had clean water to drink this morning.
- I had hot water to bathe and shave with this morning.
- I had no one shooting at me this morning.
- I had no one trying to hurt my family this morning.
These are a dozen things I rattled off in less than a minute. Things that I and almost anyone would be grateful for. In fact, millions throughout the world go without many of these things on a regular, if not daily, basis.
In that regard I have a bounty. My cup literally runneth over. The gods have rained down immeasurable blessings upon me and my family. I have been showered with good luck and have much to be grateful for.
I wish the same for you.
To your good fortune!