Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Summer Vacation Extended

My month-long sabbatical in June was so refreshing—and exactly what the doctor ordered. Taking a much-needed break allowed me the space to really start clearing my head about where I want to take this blog, and my life, next.

In fact, I have been enjoying myself so much that I not only carried my break well into July (obviously), but I have decided to carry it through the end of summer.

Yes, you heard that right. I am giving myself the gift of extreme self-care. I am giving myself permission to be completely and utterly selfish. I am choosing to love myself enough to heed my spirit and inner voice—a voice that is telling me in no uncertain terms that it is not quite time to come back.

And I am totally cool with it. I'm not concerned at all about stats, traffic, page views, or whatever.

If this blog falls to zero in the next month and a half, so be it. The voice has spoken.

For all of you still reading, I hope this finds you happy and well—and I hope you too are trusting your own inner compass to guide you where to go next.

Much love. --Randy