Tuesday, June 3, 2014

One Month Sabbatical From Writing: I'm Taking June Off

To all my regular readers, you know how much I love writing, word play, and exploring new ways of thinking and showing up in the world. So much so, that I have published a new article—140 to be exact—every Tuesday and Friday since February 2013.

That is a lot of posts, a lot of words, and a whole lot of my heart and soul poured into these pages. I have "gone to the well" of inspiration and dipped over and over again. So for the first time in 16 months, I am taking my own advice and giving myself permission to take a much-needed break—time to allow the well to refill. For that purpose, I am choosing to take a sabbatical from writing for the month of June.

The word sabbatical comes from the same root as sabbath, or a day of rest. Typically, professors are granted a sabbatical every seven years to travel, study, and refocus. I will likewise do the same. Aside from some family activities and a week-long camping trip, I have a pile of unread books I have been eager to get to.

I told myself when I started this blog that if it stopped being fun or started to feel like an obligation, I would stop writing it. And so far it has been a blast. But as a 20-year veteran of the arts, I know all too well the telltale signs of creative burnout. And in the last few weeks, I have noticed my energy dropping a bit.

I always want to give you my best effort, to provide something of real worth. I look forward to returning with renewed vigor and an increase in commitment and intention. I look forward to delivering even more value to you.

I love writing. I love writing for you.

That all said, please let me say this: THANK YOU!

Thank you for joining me on this grand adventure towards a better, more fulfilling life. I sincerely hope what you have read here has helped and inspired you in some way.

Thank you so much for reading. I'll see you all back here in a few weeks.