Friday, October 24, 2014

Fortune Friday: "Next week, green is a lucky color for you."

The color green has long been associated with rebirth and renewal. The green leaves of summer fade and fall each autumn. The dormant branches of winter give way to the buds of spring. A continuous cycle of growth and decay, expansion and contraction.

But always the promise of life anew.

Where is green showing up in your life—if at all?

Are there some dead branches in your habits or thought patterns that could use some pruning? Could some detritus be cleared away to make way for fresh buds? Could you benefit from the professional help of a master gardener?

Do you have a hobby or activity you've neglected for a while? Do you have an idea for a book or a new business that needs dusting off?

Consider spending some time this week preparing space to welcome green into your life next week. You might just revive something long dormant.

I guarantee it will be beautiful.

To your good fortune!